
A resource represents any type of our services (like transactions, categories, groups and more) which you are using everywhere in the app.


What is a transaction, what are they used for, how to insert them?

What is a transaction?

    A transaction represents any type of payment that goes in and out of your account.
    For example, your salary is a transaction. Anything you buy for food is a transaction too.
    Your bills, holiday spendings, fun spendings, home spendings, these all represent transactions too.

The app uses your transactions to calculate everything. All the information displayed in the app is based on your inserted transactions.

That's why you only have one job to do, and that is: Insert your transactions! The app can not work with your information unless you provide it.

How to insert transactions?

    It is really easy! It only takes a couple of seconds. However, you have to do it right! You can insert a transaction from your homepage, or from your transactions page. From there, you just have to click the red plus sign and select your best option:

    • Add Transaction
      • - used to insert a single transaction into a category

    • Add Transaction to Group
      • - used to insert a single transactions into a group

    • Add Multiple Transactions
      • - used to insert multiple transactions into a category

    • Add Recurrent Transaction
      • - used to insert a recurrent transaction - see docs

Transaction's fields

A field represents a transaction attribute.

Category: Represents the category in which this transaction will be inserted

Description: Represents a brief description for the transaction.

Amount: Represents the exact amount of the transaction (integer value).

Date: Represents the exact date when the transaction happened.
For example, if the transaction happened yesterday, but for some reason you weren't able to insert it yesterday and you are trying to insert it today, you best set the transaction's date as yesterday (not today).

Income transaction: Represents whether or not your transaction should be treated as an income transaction.
By default, your transaction will be inserted as a spending transaction. However, if you want to insert an income transaction (for example, your salary), you need to check this box, so it will be calculated as an income, not as a spending.


A transaction can also be inserted into a group. Because a group is already part of a category, it doesn't make sense to choose the category too. You just have to choose the group you want to insert the transaction into.
All the other fiels are identical, whether you choose to insert a group transaction, or a category one (simple transaction). Click here to find more about groups, or here to find more about categories.

Next section: Recurrent Transactions